Here's a very good review of Jamorama. This package may be the best online product as far as getting new guitarists up to snuff quickly.
Learn To Play Guitar Online - Jamorama Review
Learn To Play Guitar Online - Jamorama Review
By Matthew Crawford
Like anything that requires a learning curve, the guitar requires discipline and an endless resource of enthusiasm. But people can all too easily fall into a defeatist attitude when they hit hurdles. It gets hard, it's frustrating when you can't coordinate, and concentration, people push themselves but it only ends up at breaking point where they throw down the axe and say "right that's it, I give up!"
It's especially hard when others seem to make it look so easy. But there's one tutorial that goes at your pace, doesn't patronize you, and moves comfortably enough so you never want to throw your guitar out the window.
Jamorama is a simple but powerful way of learning, incorporating audio and video to aide you. It is one of the biggest and most popular "learn to play" programs available today, and is the blueprint for most other programs.
The Jamorama Learning Kit is packed full of games and e-books to take you through the learning process step by step, making fast learning for reading and transcribing music. The kit includes GuitEarIt! - a program designed to help you work a song out by ear, and to hone and tune your ear for music; Guitar Tuner Pro and How To Tune Your Guitar; JaydeMusica Pro; The Jamorama Metronome; and Advanced Learning Techniques for Guitar.
Everything in the program is professionally designed in order to make playing enjoyable and rewarding, developing the students' key skills in becoming a better musician. I'm a teacher myself with over 12 years of experience, and I must admit that the lessons were certainly an inspiration. I've often struggled with getting a student's attention, or being able to break down an exercise enough for them to pick it up with ease. In fact teaching can be as frustrating as learning at times! But this gave an approach to musicianship that was as clear as day and I'd recommend it to any of my students any time, especially if they were struggling with my lessons!
Free online consultation is available for customers, and there is also a forum where students can discuss specific difficulties. Jamorama is 100% fail-safe, scam-free and risk-free program with only your playing in mind.
Matt Crawford is an experienced musician with nearly a decade of experience. He has recently established a website called My Sound Clinic in order to pass down some information that he has picked up over the years. Here you'll find hints, tips, reviews, and articles on playing guitar and the world that surrounds it.
For more information on Jamorama and other guitar learning kits, visit my lens: here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Crawford