Thursday, December 30, 2004

Guitar Reviews

Guitar Reviews on Selected Models
Gibson Les Paul Studio
Gibson Les Paul Standard
Gibson Les Paul Classic
Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop
Gibson Historic 1957 Les Paul
Gibson Faded Les Paul
Gibson SG Standard
Gibson SG Faded
Gibson Explorer
Gibson ES335
Fender Standard Stratocaster
Fender American Standard Stratocaster
Fender Standard Telecaster
Fender American Standard Telecaster
Fender Fat Strat
Epiphone Les Paul Standard
ESP Kirk Hammett Signature
Ibanez RG 1570
Jackson DKMG
Epiphone Les Paul Standard
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Epiphone G400 SG

Copyright © 2004 - Guitar Reviews

How To Tune a Guitar

Tuning Your Guitar
Guitar Tuning Tips By Eric D. Cupler
Find Quality Guitar Tuners Here
Most new guitar players and even some experienced ones havetrouble staying and playing in tune. I'll try listing here someof the common mistakes and there solutions. When putting new strings on your guitar you must always makesure you stretch them as you tune them to pitch. I always holdthem down on the neck around the 24th fret with my left handwhile pulling them away from the guitar body with my right hand.You don't have to use too much muscle, a few firm tugs should dothe trick.Whenever you tune a string down in pitch, be sure to use thestring stretching technique described above. Remember ALWAYSTUNE UP! It's always better when tuning down, to get close tothe note, stretch the string and then tune up to the intendedpitch.You should purchase a quality tuner from a music store . You don't need to spend your life's saving. Aninexpensive tuner should be fine to start out. Remember, thisthing will be traveling to gigs and jam sessions with you. Iwould recommend a good Boss tuner or Korg tuner. Both brandshave low cost tuners that will do the job just fine.If your guitar has a tremolo bridge, always remember that eachstring that you tune will go down in pitch as you tune the nextstring. One solution to this is to over tune the strings. Thatis to say, you may need to tune your low E string to an F inorder to have it be around an E note by the time you finishtuning the other strings. Over time you'll get a feel for howmuch you need to over tune each string and it will become secondnature.If you play in a band, it is a good idea to always tune to thesame pitch. Standard pitch is 440 but some bands like to tunedown to 430 or even 420 for the heavier sound or vocal reasonsor both. My point is that if you're practicing at 430 then youhave a gig and your band tunes to 440, everything will suddenlysound different, your singer might not be able hit all the noteshe or she did at practice, your solos might even sound wrong.This is because everything is now a half step higher in pitch.Make things easy on yourself, pick a pitch and stick with it, atpractice and gigs.Free online guitar lessons presented by /Digital Greys © 2004 About the author:Edward D Cupler is the owner of http://www.guitarmetal.comOffering free guitar lessons to beginners and advanced students.Ed is also the owner of

Monday, December 27, 2004

Fender Guitars

Guitars by Fender
Fender is famous for electric guitars such as the Stratocaster and Telecaster. Originally these guitars used primarily single-coil pickups which produced the "twang" in early rock and roll and country music. The Telecaster was the favorite throughout the sixties until Jimi Hendrix plugged his Stratocaster into an overdriven Marshall amp which opened up a new world of possibilities. The Stratocaster, with three single coil pickups and a five position toggle switch had five basic tones to work with. A lot of top guitarists featured the strat as their main instrument. In the seventies the two best selling guitars were the strat and the Gibson Les Paul.
In the late seventies, Eddie Van Halen built a modified strat which featured a humbucking pickup in the bridge position. This introduced another new sound to the Fender line. Today's Fender guitars come in all kinds of different configurations. You can find a guitar with just the right sound and hardware you want.
Eric ClaptonBuy this Photo at
Pete TownsendBuy this Photo at

Guitar Reviews

Guitar Reviews on Selected Models
Gibson Les Paul Studio
Gibson Les Paul Standard
Gibson Les Paul Classic
Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop
Gibson Historic 1957 Les Paul
Gibson Faded Les Paul
Gibson SG Standard
Gibson SG Faded
Gibson Explorer
Gibson ES335
Fender Standard Stratocaster
Fender American Standard Stratocaster
Fender Standard Telecaster
Fender American Standard Telecaster
Fender Fat Strat
Epiphone Les Paul Standard
ESP Kirk Hammett Signature
Ibanez RG 1570
Jackson DKMG
Epiphone Les Paul Standard
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Epiphone G400 SG

Guitar Tuning

Tuning Your Guitar
Guitar Tuning Tips By Eric D. Cupler
Find Quality Guitar Tuners Here
Most new guitar players and even some experienced ones havetrouble staying and playing in tune. I'll try listing here someof the common mistakes and there solutions. When putting new strings on your guitar you must always makesure you stretch them as you tune them to pitch. I always holdthem down on the neck around the 24th fret with my left handwhile pulling them away from the guitar body with my right hand.You don't have to use too much muscle, a few firm tugs should dothe trick.Whenever you tune a string down in pitch, be sure to use thestring stretching technique described above. Remember ALWAYSTUNE UP! It's always better when tuning down, to get close tothe note, stretch the string and then tune up to the intendedpitch.You should purchase a quality tuner from a music store . You don't need to spend your life's saving. Aninexpensive tuner should be fine to start out. Remember, thisthing will be traveling to gigs and jam sessions with you. Iwould recommend a good Boss tuner or Korg tuner. Both brandshave low cost tuners that will do the job just fine.If your guitar has a tremolo bridge, always remember that eachstring that you tune will go down in pitch as you tune the nextstring. One solution to this is to over tune the strings. Thatis to say, you may need to tune your low E string to an F inorder to have it be around an E note by the time you finishtuning the other strings. Over time you'll get a feel for howmuch you need to over tune each string and it will become secondnature.If you play in a band, it is a good idea to always tune to thesame pitch. Standard pitch is 440 but some bands like to tunedown to 430 or even 420 for the heavier sound or vocal reasonsor both. My point is that if you're practicing at 430 then youhave a gig and your band tunes to 440, everything will suddenlysound different, your singer might not be able hit all the noteshe or she did at practice, your solos might even sound wrong.This is because everything is now a half step higher in pitch.Make things easy on yourself, pick a pitch and stick with it, atpractice and gigs.Free online guitar lessons presented by /Digital Greys © 2004 About the author:Edward D Cupler is the owner of http://www.guitarmetal.comOffering free guitar lessons to beginners and advanced students.Ed is also the owner of

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Guitar Reviews

guitar reviews

Guitar Reviews on Selected Models
Gibson Les Paul Studio
Gibson Les Paul Standard
Gibson Les Paul Classic
Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop
Gibson Historic 1957 Les Paul
Gibson Faded Les Paul
Gibson SG Standard
Gibson SG Faded
Gibson Explorer
Gibson ES335
Fender Standard Stratocaster
Fender American Standard Stratocaster
Fender Standard Telecaster
Fender American Standard Telecaster
Fender Fat Strat
Epiphone Les Paul Standard
ESP Kirk Hammett Signature
Ibanez RG 1570
Jackson DKMG
Epiphone Les Paul Standard
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Epiphone G400 SG

Copyright © 2004 - Guitar Reviews Browse Guitars

Buying the right guitar

Buying The Right Guitar
Article:Buying the Right Guitar By Michael Setz the right guitar can be a lot more difficult than itseems. That's because there are a lot of them to choose from;electric, acoustic, classical, folk, hollow body, semi-hollowbody, solid body, 12-string, and 7 string just to name the morecommon ones. Which one is right for you? First, it will beimportant for you to know the type of music you are interestedin playing. If you are only interested in screaming solos, youcould probably just focus on an electric guitar. If you likeplaying folk music, a steel string acoustic would be anexcellent choice. What about Classical and finger picking? AClassical guitar is definitely what you need. In any case, knowthe music you want to play and that will also help you choosethe right guitar. When choosing your guitar, there are severalfactors to consider: ·Price ·Playability ·Sound ·Looks. Which isthe most important? They are ALL important in their own way!Play Guitar in 7 Days Guaranteed. Go to learn more! In no particular order of merit, here are thereasons: 1. If you are on a budget, then obviously the price youintend to pay is important! Most of us have wallets with limits!This is self-explanatory. 2. The playability of a guitar (howEASY it is to play) is important. Are the strings close to thefret board? Is the neck a comfortable fit for your hand size? Isthe body shape comfortable to hold? This will also make a bigimpact on your progress as a guitar player. Anything thathinders your progress can be disheartening and should beeliminated.3. Sound; Do the notes ring out on the guitar and sustain (lastlong before dying out)? Does the guitar sound fat and full, orbright and thin? What sort of tone do you want? For example -Rock and Metal players often favor fat, full sounding guitars.4. Are looks important? You bet! You want to look at your guitarand think it's cool. Playing something that looks like a dogwill not inspire you! Also, the look of a guitar can beimportant for the image associated with a certain type of music.Like we mentioned earlier, Telecaster shaped guitars are oftenassociated with traditional blues and country playing - LesPaul-shaped guitars are often associated with classic rock,Flying V guitars are usually associated with heavy metal. Withthat said the first place to start is whether to buy new orused. There are advantages and disadvantages to each, butgenerally the primary difference would be your budget. Stayflexible here and be on the lookout for good deals. It isimportant to note however, that guitars do tend to hold theirvalue over time as long as they are well cared for and have nosignificant dings, dents or other damage. You can check out someexcellent guitars at my website Thereis also a section for auctions, so go take a look. Nonetheless,you can usually expect to pay slightly less for a used guitarversus a new and comparable guitar. The downside to buying usedis that there will undoubtedly be wear on necks, frets,fingerboards, and pick guards, and there could also be hidden orless noticeable damage. You can find multitudes of places on theInternet as well as in newspapers, and magazines for usedguitars. However, one often overlooked place where great dealscan be found is at pawnshops, flea markets, and swap meets. Keepthis in mind when you begin your shopping. I have found some ofthe very best deals at the local pawnshop. There are manyaffordable new guitars on the market today as well, and theseshould not be overlooked. Despite the slightly higher price,buying new is usually less risky when it comes to quality. Butthat is not to say all new guitars are good. One advantage tobuying new is you will get a warranty. So it's worth comparingthe new guitars in your price range to the used ones. You canoften get a decent new acoustic guitar worthy of a beginner forright around $100 and no more than $150. I would expect to payabout 10-20% less for a comparable used instrument. Check outsome excellent guitars at my website andyou may also consider some of the package deals for an extravalue. Always buy a case! There are two types: Hard-Shell andSoft-Shell. You should opt for hard-shell. New cases can runbetween $50 and $75, and sometimes you can get them thrown inthe deal, it's always worth asking the salesman. If you do notbuy a case you can rest assured that you will get dings andscratches, and it is also more difficult to safely move yourguitar from place to place. Choose a guitar that has the stringsclose to the fretboard or playing will be difficult. However, ifthey are too close then they will produce a buzz and affect thetone produced. Be sure that it produces a clear sound, with nobuzzes at any of the frets, and that the guitar is constructedof high quality wood, so the neck doesn't "warp". Woods to lookfor include hardwoods such as Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Maple,Rosewood, and Birch. These are some of the more common, and thekey is looking for hardwoods. Not only does this help to resistdings, it also improves tone. Generally, my recommendation tobeginning guitar players is first learn on a nylon stringacoustic guitar. These are also called Classical Guitars. Thereasons I recommend nylon acoustics are first, Classical guitarsuse nylon strings, and nylon strings are easier on thefingertips than steel strings. After you've played an hourstraight you'll know what I'm talking about. Imagine a thinpiece of wire being pressed against your tender skin and thenmoved back and forth like a saw. Ouch! Now imagine a soft nylonstring and you can easily see why I recommend nylon. Don't getme wrong, your fingertips will hurt regardless, and that's ok.All guitar players need calluses on the fingertips. And you willvery quickly develop them if you persist in your playing. Butnylon strings will make a significant difference in how painfulit can be, and it will ultimately let you practice a littlelonger before you can't take anymore. Second, the neck is wideron classical style guitars. Although this may seem to makeplaying more difficult initially, it actually helps with fingerplacement and the always troublesome issue of fingers touchingother strings and muting them. This is especially true onelectric guitars which have a much narrower neck. By having morespace between strings you have less chance of this occurring. Inaddition, wider necks will help build dexterity in your fingersquicker too. Finally, when you start with a nylon acousticguitar you don't need to buy an amplifier or any otheraccessories to go with it. You can play it anywhere and hear itloud and clear, thus saving you money, allowing for moremobility, and producing clear sounds to hear your true playingstyle and progress. All these add up to my recommendation thatbeginner guitar players start with a classical style guitar. Ifyou must buy an electric guitar first time out, and you have nointerest in an acoustic, you will be faced with many choices ofguitars, amplifiers, and hordes of other pieces of equipment.While much of the gadgetry is fun, the SINGLE most importantpart of your setup is still the guitar itself. Regardless of how much money you have to spend, try to get thebest guitar you can - even if it means not being able to afford

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Gibson Guitars

Guitars by Gibson
Big fat heavy tone. That just about sums up the Gibson Les Paul. This guitar is known for more hard rock sounds than any other. When you pick one up it feels just as heavy as it's sound. The classic finish on the standard models is just incredible to look at. These guitars come with two humbucking pickups. Play through the bridge pickup and you get the classic hard rock heavy crunch and incredible nasty leads. Switch to the neck pickup and you've got heavy blues.
The Les Paul is not the the only great Gibson guitar. There's the Gibson SG which produces a little thinner but nastier sound. The ES-335 is a hollow body electric which can produce amazing blues and sweet jazz sounds. There are many other models to choose from including the famous Signature models designed by Gibson in collaboration with many legendary guitarists. Check them out at Zzounds. You won't find a better price anywhere else.
Classic RockBarton, JillBuy this Art Print at
Led Zeppelin - Robert Plant & Jimmy PageBuy this Poster at

Fender Guitars

Guitars by Fender
Fender is famous for electric guitars such as the Stratocaster and Telecaster. Originally these guitars used primarily single-coil pickups which produced the "twang" in early rock and roll and country music. The Telecaster was the favorite throughout the sixties until Jimi Hendrix plugged his Stratocaster into an overdriven Marshall amp which opened up a new world of possibilities. The Stratocaster, with three single coil pickups and a five position toggle switch had five basic tones to work with. A lot of top guitarists featured the strat as their main instrument. In the seventies the two best selling guitars were the strat and the Gibson Les Paul.
In the late seventies, Eddie Van Halen built a modified strat which featured a humbucking pickup in the bridge position. This introduced another new sound to the Fender line. Today's Fender guitars come in all kinds of different configurations. You can find a guitar with just the right sound and hardware you want.
Eric ClaptonBuy this Photo at
Pete TownsendBuy this Photo at

Guitar Reviews

Guitar Reviews On All Brand Names
You can compare all the brand name electric guitars right here before you buy. Find in depth reviews of all your favorites. Gibson, Fender, Epiphone, Squire, Jackson, Peavey and tons more are in stock. In addition check out all the amps and guitar effects and accessories. All at unbelievable prices. Make Zzounds your first and last stop for all your equipment needs.