Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A Guitar Lesson To Help You Test Your Note Knowledge.

Author: Craig Bassett (The Guitar Solutions Expert)Article:In this guitar lesson we look at a great way to test your noteknowledge of the guitar fretboard. But before we look at that,why even bother learning the notes? Knowing the notes on your guitar fretboard is an essentialskill. Here are a FEW of the benefits that you'll gain if youhave fantastic guitar fretboard knowledge. 1. You'll learn how to apply music theory to the guitar muchmore quickly. In my opinion there's no point learning musictheory if you can't PLAY it! 2. Your creativity will increase. You'll be able to think of newand unique ways of playing chords and scales. If you don't knowthe notes on the guitar fretboard, you'll be stuck playing thesame chord and scale fingerings that everyone uses. 3. You'll become a better musician. Great musicians don't justthink in terms of chord shapes or scale fingerings. They thinkin terms of NOTES. 4. You'll save yourself hundreds (if not thousands!) of hours offrustration. By knowing the notes on the fretboard you'll beable to understand, learn and memorize things faster. Pretty powerful benefits right?So.how do we know if our note knowledge is good enough? Here's agreat way of finding out. Note Knowledge Test:Step 1: Please turn on your metronome and set it to 120beats-per-minute. Step 2: Decide on a note that you will work on.Step 3: Find that note on the thickest string in all possiblelocations. (One note location per click of the metronome). Step 4: Without pausing, repeat the process on all the otherstrings. Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 for all the other notes.How did you go? Did you find it hard or easy?If you couldn't do it easily, then you have some work to do. Iwould recommend setting aside 10 minutes a day to work onmemorizing the notes of the fretboard. Within a few short weeks,you should have it nailed. Good luck! About the author:Craig Bassett (The Guitar Solutions Expert) is a professionalguitarist, guitar tutor and author who lives in Auckland, NewZealand. To get a free high-quality lesson e-mailed to you oncea month, please go to: http://pentatonic-guitar-lessons.com/


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